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Zi Wang

Contact Information
Associate Professor
Hong Kong Baptist University
Phone: 85246890354
Home page

Working Papers Submitted

WP# Title Topic Downloads
1298 Multinational Production and Corporate Taxes: A Quantitative Assessment
October 29, 2017
Trade Policy - General 29
1391 Who Starts the Trade War? A Theory of Export Controls and Quid Pro Quo
March 31, 2018
Trade Policy - General 39
1439 Financial Liberalization and Trade Imbalances:A Quantitative Assessment
July 31, 2018
Development 25
1450 Multinational Production, Innovation Relocation, and the Consequences of Globalization
October 8, 2018
Foreign Investment 24
1453 Quantifying the Aggregate Effects of Inter-Firm Knowledge Networks
October 22, 2018
Firm Level - Productivity 17
1591 Headquarters Gravity: How Multinationals Shape International Trade
August 28, 2019
Foreign Investment 30
1752 Processing-Trade-Induced Dutch Disease
February 4, 2021
Trade Policy - General 48
1780 Armington Elasticities and the Third-Country Effects of Trade Wars
February 27, 2022
Trade Policy - General 31
1812 Optimal Spatial Emissions
May 16, 2024
Trade Policy - Regional 16

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