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Volodymyr Lugovskyy

Contact Information
Geography of Export Prices and Importer-Exporter Income Differences.
Indiana University
Phone: (812) 856-4594

Working Papers Submitted

WP# Title Topic Downloads
44 Quality Choice: Effects of Trade, Transportation Cost, and Relative Country Size
March 31, 2009
Transportation 43
50 Quality Choice: Effects of Trade, Transportation Cost, and Relative Country Size
April 10, 2009
Trade Patterns 52
253 Geography and Comparative Advantage in Quality
January 19, 2011
Trade Patterns 56
523 Geography of Export Prices and Importer-Exporter Income Differences.
December 14, 2012
Trade Patterns 43
865 Technology, Trade, and Quality Slopes
February 15, 2015
Trade Patterns 33
938 Technology, Trade, and Quality Slopes
July 30, 2015
Trade Patterns 41
1371 Industry-Level Scale Economies: from Micro-Estimation to Macro-Implications
February 2, 2018
Trade Patterns 16
1373 Internal Geography and the Effect of Imports on Non-Homothetic Consumption
February 2, 2018
Trade Patterns 25
1433 Domestic Spillovers and Foreign Networks in Exporting
July 31, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 6
1434 Domestic Spillovers and Foreign Networks in Exporting
July 31, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 16
1572 Breaking in New Markets: Relying on Networks or Spillovers?
July 31, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 10
1662 Do Larger Importing Firms Face Lower Freight Rates?
February 5, 2020
Transportation 15

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