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Federico Esposito

Contact Information
Tufts University
Phone: 2037729529

Working Papers Submitted

WP# Title Topic Downloads
1180 Entrepreneurial Risk and Diversification through Trade
February 2, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 19
1181 Entrepreneurial Risk and Diversification through Trade
February 2, 2017
Trade Patterns 15
1520 Trade Policy Uncertainty and Stock Returns
February 28, 2019
Trade Policy - General 32
1521 Spatial Linkages, Global Shocks and Local Labor Markets: Theory and Evidence
February 28, 2019
Trade Patterns 31
1689 Demand Risk and Diversification through Trade
May 2, 2020
Trade Patterns 21
1690 Estimating the welfare costs of autarky: a sufficient statistics approach
May 2, 2020
Trade Policy - General 18
1772 General Equilibrium Effects in Space: Theory and Measurement
September 27, 2021
Trade Patterns 18
1778 Demand Risk and Diversification through International Trade
January 4, 2022
Trade Patterns 26
1790 The Economics of Carbon Leakage Mitigation Policies
February 1, 2023
Trade Policy - General 8
1791 Import Competition, Trade Credit, and Financial Frictions in General Equilibrium
February 9, 2023
Trade Patterns 13

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