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Fabien Candau

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Working Papers Submitted

WP# Title Topic Downloads
850 Spatial Distribution of Skills and Regional Trade Integration
February 5, 2015
Transportation 34
925 Pollution Haven and Corruption Paradise
July 17, 2015
Foreign Investment 38
960 Income and Crowding Effects on the World Market for French Wines
August 20, 2015
Trade Patterns 43
1518 Trade and Institutions: Explaining Urban Giants
February 19, 2019
Political Economy 19
1603 Moving to Autarky, Trade Creation and Home Market Effect: an Exhaustive Analysis of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa
December 1, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 10
1681 Beyond the Income Effect of Trade Integration on Ethnic Wars
February 25, 2020
Development 18
1693 In Gravity no Veritas: Dubious Trade Elasticity and Weak Effects of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa
June 18, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 21
1741 Climate Change and the Water Capability to Export Agricultural Goods
September 30, 2020
Trade Patterns 22
1742 Sectoral Linkages with Non-Tradable Goods: a Comparative Analysis of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa
September 30, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 30
1792 When Climate Change Determines International Agreements. Evidence from Water Treaties
February 25, 2023
Political Economy 13

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