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Alberto Behar

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Working Papers Submitted

WP# Title Topic Downloads
37 De 'Bonus Vetus OLS': Approximating the international trade-cost effects of ...
March 30, 2009
Trade Policy - General 46
64 Exports and Logistics
May 6, 2011
Trade Patterns 46
February 3, 2012
Trade Patterns 43
179 Transport costs and International Trade
May 6, 2010
Trade Patterns 135
219 Do managers and experts agree? A comparison of alternative sources of trade facilitation data
August 29, 2010
Transportation 46
220 The impact of North‐South and South‐South trade agreements on bilateral trade
September 9, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 56
312 Factory Europe? Brainier but not brawnier
May 6, 2011
Trade Patterns 45
321 The Trade Performance of the Middle East and North Africa
July 12, 2011
Trade Patterns 41
1085 Skill-biased technology imports, increased schooling access, and income inequality in developing countries
June 14, 2016
Other 27
1086 External Adjustment in Oil Exporters: The Role of Fiscal Policy and the Exchange Rate
June 14, 2016
Trade Policy - General 19
1087 The endogenous skill bias of technical change in developing countries
June 14, 2016
Other 25
1088 Export Spillovers from Global Shocks to the Middle East and Central Asia
June 14, 2016
Trade Patterns 29
1219 External Adjustment in Oil Exporters: The Role of Fiscal Policy and the Exchange Rate
May 17, 2017
Trade Patterns 17

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