Job Search Objective: My objective is to obtain an academic job where I can contribute to both teaching and research. This paper offers a unified framework to explore both the static and dynamic welfare effects of trade and multinational production (MP) in the presence of firm-specific productivity heterogeneity. The
model captures the dynamic effects by allowing for R&D spillovers between firms in a framework
of Helpman et al. (2004) that generates endogenous growth without scale effects. We show that
multinational presence improves average productivity by strengthening the selection process among
heterogeneous firms, but leads to a lower growth rate of intermediate varieties along the transition
path toward the new steady state. Thus the presence of multinationals has an ambiguous effect on
overall welfare. We also compare the welfare implications of a change in trade cost in our model and
in trade models without multinationals. We find that the gains from trade can be higher or lower
than the gains obtained in the trade-only models, depending on the degree of firm heterogeneity, the
size of trade and FDI costs, and the magnitude of technology spillover parameters. We further show
that firm heterogeneity always magnifies average productivity, international spillovers and fixed
costs of developing a new variety, which leads to ambiguous effects on overall welfare. Calibrating
the model to the US economy suggests that aggregate welfare improves in response to a reduction
in trade and FDI costs for empirically plausible parameter values.